Citadel Park
In the southeastern part of the city, along the defensive wall of the old city, close to the Thalia Hall (Sala Thalia), visitors can enjoy a walk in the first park of Sibiu – The Citadel Park (Parcul Cetății).
Here they will find the best preserved section of the fortifications network of the old medieval fortress, since it was reinforced several times over the years, which made the three towers dating from XV-th century to keep in good condition until today: The Gunsmiths Tower (Turnul Archebuzierilor), The Carpenters Tower (Turnul Dulgherilor) and The Potters Tower (Turnul Olarilor).
Known in history as the Promenade of the Crippled (Promenada Invalizilor), the name being awarded in memory of veterans wounded in various wars of the Habsburg Empire, the park was arranged for the first time in 1791 instead ditches and lakes in the southern wall of the fortress.
The aesthetic design project was coordinated by colonel Johann von Vecsey, leader of the guard regiment “Baron Spleniy No. 31”. In his honor a commemorative plaque was placed in 1829.
The statue of Emperor Francisc 1st was made by sculptor Procopius, from the Academy in Vienna, on a project belonging to Franz Neuhauser the Younger. It is the oldest statue of Sibiu. The statue has been removed by the communist regime and then relocated back, in 2007 when the entire complex was restored.
The passage and the stairs next to the theater were built in the same period, as well as the second passage, from The Potters Tower, named “The Bedeus Stairs” (“Scara Bedeus”) in memory of Joseph Bedeus von Scharberg, one of the most important architects in Sibiu’s history,
A new breakthrough passage was made between the two World Wars, the one starting from “Barracs 90” (Cazarma 90). The last one, which leads to the yard of Thalia Hall (Sala Thalia) appeared during the restoration of the Gros Tower (Turnul Gros), in 2003.
Another tourist attraction in the Citadel Park (Parcul Cetății) is the Walk of Fame (Aleea Celebrităților), inaugurated in 2013 during the XX-th Edition of the FITS Anniversary Gala. It is a landmark for all tourists who want to know the names of people who have made an important contribution to the cultural and artistic life of the city.
The Walk of Fame project in Sibiu, inspired by the Hollywood model, was initiated by the National Theatre "Radu Stanca" and the Municipality of Sibiu. The alley wears stars named after the most important cultural personalities of Sibiu:
Eugenio Barba – director
Sasha Waltz – coreographer
Declan Donnellan – director
George Banu – playwright
Nakamura Kanzaburo XVII – Kabuki actor
Silviu Purcărete - director
Martin Hochmeister – founder of the first public library and the first theater magazine,
Radu Stanca - actor, director, poet, essayist and cultural animator, leader of Sibiu Literary Circle,
Peter Brook - director
Lev Dodin - leader of Saint Petersburg Maly Drama Theater,
Peter Stein - director,
Krystian Lupa - director,
Gigi Căciuleanu - dancer, coreographer, professor,
Klaus Maria Brandauer - actor and film director,
Eimuntas Nekrosius - director,
Joel Pommerat – playwright and director,
Neil LaBute - director, screenwriter and playwright,
Kazuyoshi Kushida - playwright, director and actor,
Victor rebengiuc - Romanian actor of film, radio, theater, television,
Evgeny Mironov - Russian actor,
Alvis Hermanis - actor, playwright, artistic director,
Luk Perceval - director
Christoph Marthaler - director, musician, representative of the avant-garde theater style,
Thomas Ostermeier - theater director,
Tim Robbins - actor, screenwriter, producer.